Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

First, a smile!Lindsey recently rediscovered this amazing hat that she wore when she was a baby.Hunting for pine cones and leaves for our turkey project
Lindsey's turkey
The whole turkey crew - Chris, Sara, Elise, Lindsey, Nana, Papa

Saturday, November 22, 2008

before and after - Elise's room

The current nursery was a 12-year old boy's room when we bought the house - maybe that explains the odd Penguin/J.Lo decorating scheme in the first picture. Also note the ceiling tiles, plywood 'cabinet' below the window and stained wood floor. Also because of the odd door configuration, they just gave up and put the bed in front of the door. (We rehung a door to make this area work better.)The same view, with crib and Elise's play quilt from Nana.
This window was painted shut and utilized really ugly translucent glass
At some point, we still need a door for the closet at left. We did replace the vinyl fake wood grain folding door.
Elise's wall quilt and the play table with the chalk side up.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

before and after - Lindsey's room

We have a few photos of the house when it was still occupied by the previous owners. Here is the sunroom, which used to be the computer room and is now Lindsey's room:
Wood paneling up to the picture rail, you probably can't see the vinyl flooring very well
More wood paneling, bizarre crooked frame, paint on all of the hardware, and a dishwasher

New curtains made by Nana and her Labor Day paint jobThis photo is a repeat from an earlier post, but it contrasts nicely with the dishwasher in that location
Kid's eye view.

Sunday, November 2, 2008