So Chris and Lindsey left on a fishing trip today - here she is all ready to go. Elise is also quite interested in fishing; she helped tie some flies the other day. In exciting yard news, we had some sod installed. It looks amazing, and at about 400 square feet, will be a great size to maintain. Projects still in the works include planting by the red garage, building a platform at the back door, and a gate on the west side.
Lots of projects in various stages going on in the yard......raised planter bed, fences, pathways, sandbox, sod. We are excited to spend time in our smaller yard this summer.
Lindsey's birthday party was last weekend. We're knee deep in the princess phase around here, so we baked a castle cake. I googled castle cake, found one that looked fairly doable involving Hostess products, ice cream cones, and bamboo skewers. So it was all assembled Friday afternoon. Overnight, one tower collapsed. We mixed more frosting and took some extra skewers to the park, repaired the cake, and all was well. Next year, maybe just cupcakes!
I took this photo awhile ago for Chris, who wanted me to put it on the blog. Since the target audience here is grandparents, I guess the intended recipient Coug will see it.
Here are some assorted spring pics, mostly from our yard. We bought our tomato plants this weekend, and have been working a bit in the yard.
The girls on the new porch chairs.
I already forgot what this one is called, but it makes for a good photo.
Some English daisies that Lindsey picked out. They're apparently edible? although I doubt we'll put that to the test.
A birdhouse painted at preschool on the Japanese Snowbell tree. If memory serves, the snowbells will show up in a month or so. Holding the baby with teeth and two broken legs (casts made of duct tape)Elise in the flying position, uncharacteristically quietTree blossoms looking out the back window
I once knew the name of this plant, but have forgotten. It looks a little like a giant dandelion tree.
This photo is a couple weeks old - our rhody in full bloom.
We had a lot of tulips this year, they are just about done now.