The last of the snow pictures. This was on the 22nd - now it is all gone.

Future snowman builder. Alternate caption would be 'ubiquitous bouncy seat photo'

Building our snowman

The snowman has rosemary arms and fern hair (plants that we never got around to trimming for the winter)

Christmas eve girls

Christmas morning

Crazy cousins
Love the Christmas pictures, and I really love the nice cabinets seen behind the "future snow-woman builder". (Is it an architect thing to look at the rooms in the background of pictures?) Are those your kitchen cabinets? They look really nice. Anyway, it looks like you had a nice snowy Christmas!
Too funny Laura. I am sure I noticed how they added to the composition when I cropped the photo! Those are in our dining room - Linear cabinets from Room and Board. They are great, and also very heavy, and a factor in wanting to stay in this house. I will dig up the before pictures and post on the dining room at some point. Not sure if our bowling alley dining table has made an appearance on the blog yet. Happy new year!
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